Guardforce Security Limited intends to be an “employer of choice” within the industry and believes that our goal can only be achieved by treating all employees fairly and by being seen to be doing that.
Guardforce Security Limited recognizes its obligations under the Race Relations Act 1976, Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 to eliminate discrimination on the grounds of disability, race, sex or marital status and to promote equal opportunity in employment. We also understand that a right to equal pay between men and women, free of sex bias, is a fundamental principle of European Community Law and is conferred by UK legislation.
Guardforce Security Limited is committed to the promotion of equal opportunities in all aspects of employment regardless of sex, race, parental or marital status, age, religion, disability or any other criteria not specifically related to skills, abilities and potential.
No applicant or employee will be placed at a disadvantage by requirements or conditions that are not necessary to the performance of the job.
All staff responsible for recruiting and selecting staff in their area must be aware that both employees and non-employees can bring claims under the Sex Discrimination Act, the Race Relations Act or the Disability Discrimination Act if they feel they have been unfairly treated during a selection process.
Appropriate disciplinary action, including summary dismissal for serious offences, will be taken against any employee who violates Guardforce Security Limited’s equal opportunities policy.
Any employee who feels that he or she has been treated unfairly or feels that he or she has suffered harassment should raise their grievance through the appropriate channels.
All directors, managers and supervisors are responsible for eliminating and preventing discrimination, harassment, intimidation or victimization. Failure to do so will be treated as failure to fulfill one of the responsibilities of their position.
Guardforce Security Limited recognizes that regular monitoring is essential to the effectiveness of this policy and, therefore, periodic checks will be made to ensure that discrimination does not arise.
We intend, through our Equal Opportunities Policy, to avoid unfair treatment, to fairly reward the skills, experience and contribution of all staff and, therefore, increase competitiveness and enhance the reputation of Guardforce Security Limited
absolute treasure. Polite, courteous, vigilant and extremely helpful. Please forward on my thanks.
The Company is committed to carrying out its business and affairs in a socially responsible, sustainable and meaningful way, taking into account ethics, the environment and needs of society at large.
The Company regards CSR as:
- A strategic means to make a positive contribution to its business success
- Conducting its business in a socially responsible and ethical manner
- Protecting the environment and the safety of people
- Part of its plan to continue to build trust in the Company from customers, employees and from the communities in which it operates
- Supporting Human Rights, operating an equal opportunity policy and respecting diversity Part of its plan to generate teamwork among employees and pride and commitment to the Company
This document sets out the direction and boundaries of the Company’s CRS policy which applies to all activities undertaken by or on behalf of the Company.
The Company will ensure that all matters of CRS are supported in our operations and administrative matters and are consistent with the Company’s and stakeholder’s best interest. The Company is committed to being recognized as an organization considerate of CRS and recognizes that in doing so will add value to all aspects of the organization.
The Company Managing Director will have ultimate responsibility for ensuring the pervasiveness of CRS throughout Guardforce Security Limited and the Company management team will act as role models by incorporating CRS considerations into their decision making processes in all business activities. The Company management team will ensure the appropriate structures are in place to enable effective monitoring, auditing and development of CRS initiatives.
The Company is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and corporate governance in all aspects of its daily operations to provide excellence and confidence in its business activities for all stakeholders.
Health and safety and environmental policies are in place and are communicated to all staff via staff hand books and various other methods.
The Company will ensure that all stakeholders are treated with respect, openly and with honesty.
The Company will ensure that all employees are treated fairly and with dignity, with consideration for their goals and aspirations and that diversity in the workplace is embraced by all employees.
The company will adopt fair labour practices both in the spirit and the letter of the national and local laws.
The Company is committed to providing equal opportunities in all aspect of its business and will not tolerate workplace conduct that is contrary to this requirement including discrimination, intimidation or harassment.
The Company will not tolerate, engage or be complicit in any activity that solicits or encourages human rights abuses.
The Company will work with the government and other authorized agencies to support activities focusing on the improvement of human rights within its sphere of influence.
The Company will strive to build trust and demonstrate respect for diverse cultures, customs and the values of individuals and groups.
Where possible the Company will invest in the local community and support activities that result in a mutual benefit.
The Company will actively participate in the local business community by developing and sustaining membership of appropriate associations.
absolute treasure. Polite, courteous, vigilant and extremely helpful. Please forward on my thanks.